1/6/15 Today is the last class of BMY 3102.The class is in Bilik Mesyuarat Fakulti.The class started around 10 am and finished at 12 am.In these class we finish two final chapter and that is Biogeochemical cycles and Aspects in Biotechnology.We also receive information from Dr Wan that our final will be in objective and subjective form.Before this I thought only the chapter being covered by Dr Wan going to be in the final but I am wrong.So I must study smart to get good result in final. Biogeochemical cycles is about recycling nutrient by microbes.The basic Carbon cycles in enviroment. http://www.microbiologybytes.com/introduction/graphics/Environmental2.gif.pagespeed.ce.nqcX3UGvPH.gif The microbes that involve in carbon fixation usually have carboxysome. Nitrogen cycles have three major process that are nitrification,denitrification and nitrogen fixation. http://cclynchblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/nitrification.jpg http://geoweb.princeton.edu/research/bioc...
Showing posts from June, 2015