Microbes and Us experiences

 When first time I heard about Microbes and Us project I can say it is quite interesting.At the same time I was wonder how was we suppose to do this project since we need to interview expert, do the info graphic and many other things. My group first choose human microbiome. Our chosen topic quite has huge area to be cover as many know human body are full with microbes. Since we have 14 weeks to carry out this task I think that is not possible. What can I say there are mixture of emotions during the 14 weeks. Many of us does not want do the work last minute but due to several reasons unavoidable it seems to be last minute work. Anyways although it is last minute we work hard to get the best yield we can. At the end our documentary title is Vaginal microbiome. Yes, it is still in human microbiome but we decide to be more specific so we can easily find our expert and gain more information. Thanks to Dr Leslie, senior lecturer from Faculty of medicine and health science that agree to be interviewed. It makes our task become easier. Not forgetful thanks to Dr Amalia who recommend Dr Leslie to our group and personally contact him . To be honest, I learn many new things during this process. For the first time my group members and I interview an expert from other faculty. During the process of completed this task we had to divided our time with other assignments and other activities. We have to carefully pictures can be used based on the common creative for info graphic and articles.Before this I did not know that he picture must has attribution can be used. I thought it is okay with just put the link where I get the picture.Not forgetfully, I learn about team work. We have to tolerate with each other and always communicate during completing the task.
     It is meaningful experience for me because I had go through many new things and when the documentary completed I quite happy that we able to complete it.

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