We learn about intracellular structures of prokaryotes as third topic. We are divided into few group for going to an organelle for Awesome Microbe Carnival.This involving making 3D poster which I have never been heard before this but as soon Dr Wan show the example it is quite interesting.For our group we got nucleoid.
When learning this topic we were also asked to do a presentation about gas vesicles and lipid inclusions as peer teaching.
Lipid inclusions
Depends on the size of cell.I wonder how to measure the how big lipid inclusions?Lipid inclusions also known as fat droplet.Lipid inclusions can only be reveal by sudan dyes.The storage material is polymer poly –β-hydroxybutyric acid.

Gas vacuole
Hollow structure made of protein that are membrane bounded.Impermeable to liquid.
What I have learn:
  1. Lipid inclusions also known as lipid droplet
  2. Magnetosome protect cell from hydrogen peroxide accumulation
  3. Carboxysomes is used for carbon dioxide fixation during photosynthesis

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What I have learn

relate Microbial Ecology to other microbiology courses have covered and apply the knowledge in the future