Virtual Microbes 3 Reflective Journal

For Virtual Microbes third year student of UPM combine with final year student of UKM were asked to do case study based on description virus given. We have to record three progress meeting video by using Zoom or Vsee. My friends and I were introduced to our member of UKM through WhatsApp group open by our classmates. For the first meeting, we discuss about virus that should be choose. When doing the video, I do not know that the free Zoom time was started when I start to conduct the meeting I thought the time started when recording the video. I was quite nervous when seeing the warning that said we have only left 10 minutes only. So since there are limited time we decided to continue discussion in whatsapp where majority of us decided to choose Rotavirus. We also divided the question need to answer and put in Coogle. Second video we divided the job for the final product. Follow up by the last video where we update the current progress. During this progress there are some problems faced up by us. First we had to find the time that everyone free to record the video since all of us had own commitment. We also had to find place that has stable internet connection to avoid any distraction during recording the video. Although there are some challenges doing Virtual Microbes had giving me new experience and learn new things and not forget get new friends J

What I learn:
  • ·         New application that can be used to communicate with person that far away from us.
  •     There is application that able to record our discussion video.
  •     There are many viruses that cause similar symptoms as in the module.
  •        Know information about Rotavirus.
  •      Learn to communicate with new friends
  •      Find new application that can help in making montage video.

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