    We had our lecture today at Bilik Seminar 1.4,Biotech 1.The class started with Dr Wan Zuhainis asking about our previous assignment, video upload on youtube. There were some of us did not able to send the video due to internet problems and other reasons. Then, Dr Wan Zuhainis explain to us about a few social network we have to register and an application we need to download on our laptop, called Jing. We continue learning about microbial world. Several among us have to state the benefits of microorganisms. We have long question and answer session  about microorganism. At the same time we also learn that a hole in cheese were produce by bacteria, where different bacteria produce different hole. It is such an interesting fact that I never know before. Besides, when hyphae do their usual metabolism, they will produce basidium, which very useful to human as an antibiotic, a medicine help to kill certain bacteria or slow the growth of bacteria. The basic of microbial world is there are a few categories in microbial world.
  •  Virus
  • fungi
  • Bacteria
  • protozoa
  • algae
  • Archaea
 In addition, each of the categories are also classified in group of eukaryote or prokaryote
  1.  prokaryote- bacteria
  2. eukaryote-  fungi and protozoa
There are many microorganism in our world but do not worry normal microbiota, non-pathogenic bacteria/micro-organisms that reside in or on a human body. Even some of them cause an advantage to human. For example bioremediation where microorganism are use to treat pollutants

picture from: http://www.rewordit.org/bioremediation-an-organic-solution-for-a-clean-earth/

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