 Today is our third microbiology class. We get excited after watching video posted by Dr Wan at Edmodo. The video is about augmented reality where we will use the application on our next project, Adopt A Microbe. Although the technology got nothing to do with our microbiology world but we can make our microbial world more interesting to show to other people by using the latest technology, one of it is this. As for myself I really amaze when I watch the video, first thing that come into my mind, can we do it but I have to try to make the project more interesting. A few problem maybe arise because I did familiar with the application but I guess I have to learn then.
Come back to Adopt A Microbe project, this project is a group project that we have to choose a beneficial microbe to present in the form of poster or scrapbook with the addition of video application as above. Those with the best poster or scrapbook will enter a competition of National University Carnival of Elearning. I personally was shock with the criteria of the microbe we have to choose was a beneficial microbe. I thought we have to tell more detail about a microbe that cause of disease as many of us interested in this field due to our curiosity about microorganism that cause disease. This project make me realise that there are many microorganism that are useful to us. We human actually cannot life without  this microorganism. The nearest example is in our stomach where the are many microorganism help the process of digestion there.
The class continue with learning about an introduction to microbial world and with the discussion of the microorganism that live among us.

Bacteria produce endospore while fungi produce spore. When favored nutrient are exhausted, the bacteria may become motile to seek for nutrient. Fungi produce spore for the survival. Spore produce through the process of meiosis. Fungi usually form on the bread that have been left for longer time. In this case Rhizopus Stonlifer is the most common fungi in the world. So if we are buying bread we have to eat the bread before they expired.

Bacteria in canned food can cause dangerous effect to human. The toxin produce by active Clostridium Botulinium can cause food poisoning. The  bacteria best grow without air which explain why they grow in canned food product. This bacteria very resistant to heat and chemical. To avoid food poisoning we should boil the canned food product because the bacteria can be kill by high heat.

Volvox is an algae that water based habitat. Volvox moves by flagella. Volvox eat by absorbing food through their cell by photosynthesis. Volvox play a role in food chain in pond.

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What I have learn

relate Microbial Ecology to other microbiology courses have covered and apply the knowledge in the future