        Today is our first class with Datin Khatijah. Class is at 1.4. We learn about Strucutre and Function Of Genetic Material.
 Genome: genetic information in cell
  Chromosomes:structures containing DNA that containing genetic information
pic from: http://www.writework.com/uploads/7/74478/human-genome-genes.png

Genes: segments of DNA that code functional product.

  • deoxyribonucleic acid
  • made of nucleotides: -nitrogenous base , sugars and phosphate group

Nucleic Acid
pic from :http://images.tutorvista.com/cms/images/101/purines-and-pyrimidines.png
We also learn about replication of Bacterial DNA

In today class there are some information that has been study before this and there also a new information about genetics that have been learn through genetics.It helps me to recall back my memory on genetics learn before this and I was quite shock that actually the poress in replication of DNA is quite complicated than I thought before this but somehow it is very interesting making me more interested to study it.

What I have learn:
-DNA made up of nucleotides.
-DNA store genetics information
-DNA replication proceed from 5' phosphate to 3' hydroxyl
-Two DNA strands grow in different directiobns by forming 2 new strands:-leading and lagging strands.

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