    Today class start at 8.15 am at 1.2.We are ask to make a game about eukaryotic structure that whole class can play.We we given time 1 hour.We start the game at 1.4 when Dr Wan come back from the meeting.There all 10 group that have divided among us.Each team get different organelle .This activity has make the classroom more fun.During the games,there are some questions I can answer and some question that I do not remember the answer.but we able to do all the games as a team.These games also make me know the fact about eukaryotic structure that I do not now and help to recall what had been learn before this.As for our group, we get the rough endoplasmic reticulum.We decide to do Wheel Decide.This game start with a few stationery is given to the student in class and a music is played.When the music stop the student with a stationery have to come to to roll the wheel and answer the question been ask.When do the game it also help me to recall about rough endoplasmic reticulum that has been study before this.

What have been learn:
-Ribosome made of protein and ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
-DNA is combine with histone  and exist in two froms.That is chromatin and chromosome.
-Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosome on the surface
-Rough Endoplasmic reticulum synthesis protein 
-Smooth endoplasmic reticulum has no ribosome
-Smooth endoplasmic reticulum synthesis lipid and break down toxic component.
-Golgi apparatus packages digestive enzyme in lysosome.
-Lysosome digest any cell bacteria enter the cell
There are three types of vacuole:
  • Central vacoule
  • Contractile vacoule
  • Food or digestion vacoule

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