24/4/15 The class started with presentation from group 2 which presenting about bacteria based on the mind map they have made in Wednesday.Each of the member have one minutes to present their topic.all group have to get ready questions to ask about bacteria before they start to present.Group 2 members answer the questions that being ask when they are done with the presentations.After that we continue to learn about bacteria from the slides. Bacteria is divided into four categories based on their cell wall -gram positive bacteria + cell wall -gram negative bacteria + cell wall -bacteria lacking cell walls -the archaebacteria Gram negative bacteria is most abundance bacteria most of them are pathogenic it make me wonder does we are surrounded by pathogenic bacteria that make us sick.One of the example is Escherichia coli which cause urinary tract infection.The most famous cause of urinary tract infection is not Escherichia coli but Prot...
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22/4/15 Today we learn new topic with Dr Wan that is Microbial Systematic.This topic is about classification of microorganism based on many characteristics such as metabolism, habitats and cell morphology.We going to study more detail about microbial systematic in bacteria,archaea,protozoa,virus,fungi.We were asked to group as six or seven people.We then were asked to do a mind map based on topic choose by us.We decided to choose protozoa.We use popplet to do the mind map so that it is easier many people can do writing on same mind map at the same time.It is my first time using Popplet as a group.By doing this activity I get to know how to use popplet as group. http://popplet.com/app/#/246593 After all group has finish doing the mind map we take a look of the summary of the chapter.We are going to study same topic for bacteria,virus archae,protozoa and fungi.It make me want to know to all of these have all these characteristics.How there are different from each other?Are there are s...
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The first topic that I learn in BMY 3102 is Nomenclature and classification of microorganism.In this topic I learn about how to correctly write name for microbe.I also learn how the process of naming new bacteria which from my view it is little bit complicated and take a long time to name a new bacteria.When studying about this I have been expose to the Bergey Manual. I also have been exposed about Bergey Manual.Which I have been ask to go library to find it and take picture of it.It has two type that are systematic and determinative. Next, I learn about classification system that are phenetic, phylogenetic and genotypic.Phenetic is about numerical taxonomy which related to dendogram, Phylogenetic is based on phylogenetic tree lastly,genotypic is more to other molecular methods.Under all of these system many methods are used.Some of them combine many methods to classify the microorganism.All these method can be divide under two group that are classical and molecular method.I was ...