The first topic that I learn in BMY 3102 is Nomenclature and classification of microorganism.In this topic I learn about how to correctly write name for microbe.I also learn how the process of naming new bacteria which from my view it is little bit complicated and take a long time to name a new bacteria.When studying about this I have been expose to the Bergey Manual. I also have been exposed about Bergey Manual.Which I have been ask to go library to find it and take picture of it.It has two type that are systematic and determinative.

Next, I learn about classification system that are phenetic, phylogenetic and genotypic.Phenetic is about numerical taxonomy which related to dendogram, Phylogenetic is based on phylogenetic tree lastly,genotypic is more to other molecular methods.Under all of these system many methods are used.Some of them combine many methods to classify the microorganism.All these method can be divide under two group that are classical and molecular method.I was wonder about how difference the time need to classify the microorganism between the modern age and the time where there were not so many technology being used and those these time effect the quality if the result.

There are many things that I learn in Immunology topic.This topic is closely related to our body.The immunity have two type of immunity that is non specific and specific immunity.Non specific immunity consist of external physical also known as external innate immunity barrier such as skin and mucous membrane and internal barrier also known as internal innate immunity that consist of phagosytosis,inflammation and fever.While specific immunity consist of Humoral Immunity that are protection through antibodies and cell mediatated immunity that are protection through sensitized T cells.There are a long pathway happen in this process.I also learn about antibody structure.How the antibody help in immunity.The time of antibody to produce is depend on the pathogen.These are good features of pathogen.
During learning this topic I I get know that the immunology has more deeply topic in immunologic course.What I learn now is just some basic.Although it is just a basic part it make wonder about what kind of pathogen that it is hard to detect by immune system and how difficult to phagosytosis the pathogen that can avoid the phagosytosis.

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