Today we learn new topic with Dr Wan that is Microbial Systematic.This topic is about classification of microorganism based on many characteristics such as metabolism, habitats and cell morphology.We going to study more detail about microbial systematic in bacteria,archaea,protozoa,virus,fungi.We were asked to group as six or seven people.We then were asked to do a mind map based on topic choose by us.We decided to choose protozoa.We use popplet to do the mind map so that it is easier many people can do writing on same mind map at the same time.It is my first time using Popplet as a group.By doing this activity I get to know how to use popplet as group.
After all group has finish doing the mind map we take a look of the summary of the chapter.We are going to study same topic for bacteria,virus archae,protozoa and fungi.It make me want to know to all of these have all these characteristics.How there are different from each other?Are there are some similar features?

What i have learn
-Popplet can do mind map as in group
-The microorganims share some same characteristics

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What I have learn

relate Microbial Ecology to other microbiology courses have covered and apply the knowledge in the future