The class started with presentation from group 2 which presenting about bacteria based on the mind map they have made in Wednesday.Each of the member have one minutes to present their topic.all group have to get ready questions to ask about bacteria before they start to present.Group 2 members answer the questions that being ask when they are done with the presentations.After  that we continue to learn about bacteria from the slides.
Bacteria is divided into four categories based on their cell wall
-gram positive bacteria + cell wall
-gram negative bacteria + cell wall
-bacteria lacking cell walls
-the archaebacteria

Gram negative bacteria is most abundance bacteria most of them are pathogenic it  make me wonder does we are surrounded by pathogenic bacteria that make us sick.One of the example is Escherichia coli which cause  urinary tract infection.The most famous cause of urinary tract infection is not Escherichia coli but Proteus mirabilis.
Proteus mirabilis

We also learn about lyme disease which cause by bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi that transmitted through bite of infected blacklegged ticks.

Bacteria of Chlamydias genus  resemble virus on intracellular parasites and size but different from virus because have both DNA and RNA.Example of bacteria of this genus is Chalamydia trachomatis that cause eyes infection.
After learn this it make me realise that there are many type of bacteria and some of them can cause disease to human.

What I have learn:
  • Bacteria is divided based on their cell wall characteristics
  • E. coli is one of the cause of urinary tract  infection
  • Lyme disease is cause by Borrelia burgdorferi

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