My name is Sajidah.Currently study in major of microbiology in UPM.Microbiology is y first choice for degree I hope to be the unusual microbiologist.Hope to learn more about microbes.
Showing posts from December, 2014
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Today is the last class.We continue to learn about control of microbial growth. Physical Control Methods Heat -Thermal death point:lowest temperature at which all cells in a culture are killed in 10 minutes -Thermal death time:Time to kill all cells in a culture -Decimal reduction time: time in minutes to kill 90% cells at given temperature. Chemical Control Agents Dinsfection Antisepsis Sterilization Evaluating a dinsinfectant -use dilution test -disk-diffusion method I before this have seen this picture before but never thought this actually us for the test for evaluating disinfectant. I thought it just a solution dipped in a circle.I wonder that if this test effective for all type of disinfectant. Next we learn about Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Chemotherapeutic Agents-chemical agents used to treat disease Penicilin E-test There are many microbes involve in making drugs which I thoug...
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18/12/14 We continue previous chapter. Culture medium- nutrient prepared for the growth of microorganisms in a laboratory. inoculum- microbes that are introduced into a culture medium to initiate grow. Types of culture media chemically defined-chemical composition known complex media-chemical composition unknown Selective media -contain agents inhibit growth of certain bacteria while permitting growth of others Differential media-contain indicator that react differently with different organism. Enrichment media-increase small numbers of desired bacteria to detectable level blood agar Eosin Methylene Blue Agar I never thought that agar can change the colour according to the microbe.Before this I thought the colour of the agar will remain t...
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16/12/14 Today we have our class at Biotech 2.2.We learn about culturing ad maintaining microbes. Aseptic technique-carrying out a procedure under controlled conditions in a manner that will minimize the chance of contamination. Sterile hood- all manipulations must be carry out in a sterile cabinet. Before this I thought before doing cultivation of microbes we just need to wash the apparatus with just distilled water same as other experiments but it is more than that.It is show that a small contaminate can bring big effect to the results of the culture. Basic culturing technique -liquid culture -culture plate Different types microbes need different type of medium.Before this I thought all types of microbes use the same medium but I was wrong. I wonder how was the recipe different for each type of microbe.Does it has differ form the amount,ingredient or temperature to make the medium? Pure culture-population of identical cells originating f...
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12/12/14 Today we have a quiz before continue our lesson.Our group,group 7 win the quiz.We are very happy. Today we learn about Microbial growth. Growth-refer to number of cell I just know that in microbiology the growth refer to number of cell before this I thought it refer the size of colony. The physical requirement Light-require or kill by light Temperatute-minimal growth ,maximal growth and optimal growth pH Water activity salt concentration Chemical requirement -water -carbon -oxygen I never thought that microbes need specific nutrient as human although there are very small.I hope to know better each microbes what nutrient they need -nitrogen,phosphorus and sulphur -special growth factror -trace elements What I have learn: -Growth-number of cell ot size -Acidophiles -grow below pH 6 -microbes must have balanced nutrient
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9/12/14 We continue learning about microbial metabolism. Cellular respiration is process cells use to convert E in chemical bonds of nutrients to ATP E. Aerobic respiration -involves an electron transport system -final electron acceptor is oxygen gas. -total theoretical maximum number atp generated perglucose in prokaryote is 38.In eukaryotr is 36-38.This different from prokaryote because depending on how 2NADH generated in cytoplasm during glycolysis enter mitochondria resulting 2 or 3 atp per NADH but in prokaryote there are no mitochondria 38 can be produce. metabolic pathways- I hope I can know what species of eukaryote will produce 36 atp and 37,38.Before this I only think that plant hae specific respiration but now microbe also have respiration process that some steps similar to plants. Carbon fixation -light dependent reaction consumes atp most commo pathway is Calvin cycle. The other name for carbon cycle is Calvin-Benson C...
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8/12/14 Today we went to Yakult factory.I was very excited when know we will go to Yakult factory at Seremban.We go there after all class finished.When we arrive we straightly go to a room to hear a talk about Yakult.Among the things stressed during the talk are criteria of probiotic bacteria one of it the bacteria must arrive alive in stomach.There are many good bacteria but not all consider as probiotic.I wonder that have all these good bacteria being tested whether they can consider as probiotic or not because there are many new microbes being discover maybe among them can be probiotic that most beneficial to human compare to the present probiotic bacteria.During the talk we also known that o select the best probiotic for producing Yakult a few test have been run.There are few bacteria involve including Lactobacillus casei Shirota which give the good result among the others.I just realize that all the probiotic drink have do a research first to get good probi...
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Today we learn about Microbial Metabolism and Microbial Nutrition.First, we have to do flashcards about the both topics.The flashcards have to contain 30 words and definition on both topics.By making just flashcards also make us get questions based on the flashcards.It make us easier to do our revisions.Next, we have to do online quiz and do some of it in the class.Lastly, we continue our lessons sessions. Catabolic reaction=breakdown of complete substrate and release of energy. Anabolic reactions=building of complex organic molecule from simpler ones Microbial Metabolism=contribute to cycling of element in ecosystem. Metabolic pathways= sequence of enzymatically catalyzed chemi...
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We continue learning about Classification of organisms. Inspiration of Names shape where it is found Nutrient it uses Who discovered it? What disease it cause Phenetic classification -similarity properties very obvious Phylogenetic classification -based on genetic Phylogenetic Tree -Evolutioary relationships among group of species example: Methods Of Classifying and Identifying Microorganisms Morphological Characteristics Differential staining Biochemical test Serology Phage Typing When learning this I got to know from what the name of microbes given.Before this I only thought the name was only based on the name of people discover it. The advanced of technology has improve the classification of microorganisms.Now I understand why the classification of organisms keep changing. During break, we play card related to microbiology.The card was prepared by our friends the Mighty microbe.We have fun playing the card and at the s...
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Today we have class at 1.4 on 11 am. We learn about Classification of Organisms. Taxonomy-Greek Taxis, arrangement of order -nonos,law -nemein to distribute -Science of biological classification -interrelated parts Classification-Arrangement of organism in a group based on similarity identification-process of discovering and recording traits of organisms Nomenclature -Assignment of names to taxonomic in agreement with published rule Nomenclature define by two names Genus name + species epithet(species) Both name italicized or underline Genus always Capitalized Species lower case Example: Homo sapiens Rules governing the naming organisms can be find in For ...