Today is the last class.We continue to learn about control of microbial growth.
Physical Control Methods
-Thermal death point:lowest temperature at which all cells in a culture are killed in 10 minutes
-Thermal death time:Time to kill all cells in a culture
-Decimal reduction time: time in minutes to kill 90% cells at given temperature.
Chemical Control Agents

  • Dinsfection
  • Antisepsis
  • Sterilization
Evaluating a dinsinfectant
-use dilution test
-disk-diffusion method
I before this have seen this picture before but never thought this actually us for the test for evaluating disinfectant. I thought it just a solution dipped in a circle.I wonder that if this test effective for all type of disinfectant.

Next we learn about Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Chemotherapeutic Agents-chemical agents used to treat disease


There are many microbes involve in  making drugs which I thought before this there only cause disease.Right now I wonder if there are other drugs can be made by microbes that still not known.

What I have learn:
--Physical method consist of heat and radiation
-Chemical control agents consist of disinfection,antisepsis and sterilization
-chemical agents used to treat disease

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What I have learn

relate Microbial Ecology to other microbiology courses have covered and apply the knowledge in the future