Today we learn about Microbial Metabolism and Microbial Nutrition.First, we have to do flashcards about the both topics.The flashcards have to contain 30 words and definition on both topics.By making just flashcards also make us get questions based on the flashcards.It make us easier to do our revisions.Next, we have to do online quiz and do some of it in the class.Lastly, we continue our lessons sessions.
Catabolic reaction=breakdown of complete substrate and release of energy.
Anabolic reactions=building of complex organic molecule from simpler ones
Microbial Metabolism=contribute to cycling of element in ecosystem.
Metabolic pathways= sequence of enzymatically catalyzed chemical in cell.
Metabolic pathways determine by enzymes.
Enzyme=encoded by protein
Enzyme act as biological catalyzed
Enzyme components
Catabolic reaction=breakdown of complete substrate and release of energy.
Anabolic reactions=building of complex organic molecule from simpler ones
Microbial Metabolism=contribute to cycling of element in ecosystem.
Metabolic pathways= sequence of enzymatically catalyzed chemical in cell.
Metabolic pathways determine by enzymes.
Enzyme=encoded by protein
Enzyme act as biological catalyzed
Enzyme components
Factors influencing reaction of enzymes:
- ph
- temperature
- concentration
- inhibitor
What I have learn:
-Anabolism require energy from fueling reactions
-Enzymes are very specific
-Enzymes acts as biological catalyzed