Today we continue learning about Bacteria.The lesson continue from where we end last week.
We study about Gram negative bacteria with cell wall.Some of them are non phototrophic which not pathogenic such as Pseudomonas sp. that degrade complex organic molecules in soil.This microbe is important for plant growth.I wonder will the plant able to grow if this microbes are absent?
There are also Phototrophic gram negative bacteria with cell wall that are Anoxygenic  and oxygenic.Example of Anoxygenic bacteria is Rhodospirillum that can be found in water and also known as purple non sulphur bacteria.Anoxygenic bacteria do not have chlorophyll but have bacteriachlorophyll
Next category is gram positive bacteria with cell walls that contain 6 groups.One of the group is Mycobacteria. Mycobacteria tubercolosis is one of the example.This bacteria become interesting to know more because there are attemps to revive this bacteria from 300 old human mummies due to M. tuberculosis can withstand harsh condition. I wonder how the research being carry out.How was the mummies was selected?Is there are any category?

The lesson continue with presentation of Archaea.After the presentation we have to find answer for questions in slide from journal.This activity have made me know the way to search for journal and how to search even the related journal to get more information.

What I have learn:
-Pseudomonas sp. help digesting organic complex molecule.  
-Mycobacteria is in the category of gram positive bacteria with cell wall.
-learn how to find journal

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