Microbial group
Microbial group based on size of population.
The pH require for most bacteria is pH5-9
The pH require for fungi pH 2-9
One of chemical growth requirement is oxygen.Aerobes must have oxygen.Microaerophiles little oxygen.Facultative anaerobe with or without oxygen
I wonder if this microbe such as anaerobes is more dangerous than aerobes and why?.Based on my knowledge there are some procedure in medical that when a person get a wound the doctor will do the drain so that more oxygen can get to the wound.

The common product of succesion is Biofilm.Form when certain microorganisms adhere to the surface of some object in amoist enviroment and begin to reproduce.There are two types of biofilm that are simple and complex biofilm.

What I have learn:
-Microbial growth based on size of population
-Most fungi require pH 2-9
-Biofilm have two types complex and simple

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What I have learn

relate Microbial Ecology to other microbiology courses have covered and apply the knowledge in the future