Sorry for the late update.Previous week we learn about Protozoa.Protozoa is animal-like protist.Protozoa have unique feature of morphology that are:
ectoplasm-semisolid or gelatinous cytoplasm under plasma membrane
endoplasm-inside ectoplasm,fluid and granular

Pelicle-embedded in ectoplasm.

Nucleus-1,2 or more identical nucleus,1 macronucleus and 1 micronuclei.

Vacoule- contactile, Phagocytosic and secretory

I wonder if these unique features of morphology is absent does it impact protozoan life so badly from the perspective of reproduction, and nutrient.

Algae is plant like protist.Algae reproduce sexually and asexually.In sexual reproduction there are isogamy and heterogamy.
Isogamy produce gametes that identical in shape,size and motility.There are no male and female.
Heterogamy produce two different type of gametes.Male gamete usually small while female gamete is much larger.

I wonder how to determine whether the reproduction that will happen is isogamy or hetorogamy?Is there any condition to make this happen.
Another interesting topic about Algae is that it can convert to biofuel.I think it is could save the enviroment from the pollutant produce by diesel.But it is the process quit expensive?Do we need a larger amount of algae?

Fingi is spore bearing organism.Fungus has harmful effect and benefit.

One of the harmful effect is ringworm,skin infection.

 one of the benefit of fungus is can produce citric acid in soy sauce.Another benefit is fungi is direct source of food.

What I have learn:
-Protozoa can reproduce asexual and sexual
-There two type of sexual reproduction in algae
-Fungi is spore bearing organism

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