31/10/14 Today we have a long class from 8.30 am to 12.00 am. We learn about Algae and Fungi. Algae is in the Protist group.Most of the algae are photoautototropic and require water.Algae reproduce through asexual and sexual reproduction. One of example of algae is seaweed. Seaweed provide habitat for marine communities. Algal bloom happen when eutrophication, too much substrate high nutrition. This can be observed by discoloration of water. The toxin produce by algae can effect human if ingest through fish. Algae bloom also can happen in swimming pool if no chlorine is added. If algae bloom happen it means that the lake is polluted. Before this I never thought that if the lake turn to green it means it is polluted and have toxin. I thought it was good things to happen that show the organism in the lake is in good condition but now I know I wrong. Learning about Algae bloom make now realise why no people go fishing when the lake is very green. Sli...
Showing posts from October, 2014
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28/10/14 I think that I enjoy doing the activity. It teach me to work in group very well and communicate with each other very well. The poster and the model will not turn out very well if we do not work in group. This activity also help me to get more information about microbe. It change my view that many microbe only cause disease. There are many microbe is beneficial to human.. Besides,this activity give me a change to learn how making poster using computer and using aurasma. During presentation time, at first I feel nervous but after that I enjoy give explanation about our microbe. This activity help me gain confidence and make a good presentation. At the same time it also make me realise we must do very detail research about our microbe.At first I was quiet shock on the question being ask by the judges and sometimes we cannot answer their question. This help me to know what question to aspect if do any presentation. Our poster Model of how Sh...
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16/10/14 Today we have few announcement about Thank a Microbe before start our lecture. Lecture today are about algae and fungi. We have to search for note about Algae and fungi. I decide to do the note using mind map. Protozoa and algae are in the kingdom of Protist.Algae in group of Protist because it hard to differentiate. It cannot be plant because do not has vascular system. It cannot also be animal because it autotroph, can make own food. Algae is classified based on pigment and type of substance of storage.The pigments of Dinoflagellates give it color of goldenbrown colour.Dinoflagellates store oil.It cause red tide. image from:http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/BOT201/Algae/Bot%20201%20Dinoflagellates%20page.GIF Red algae can release neurotoxin which can cause diarrhea and nerve break down. Diatoms is brown in color.Diatoms have many contributions to human.Such as: thickeners as collagen use in purification of water fuel sourc...
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10/10/14 After finish our test at 2.2,Biotech 2 we were given a short break before continue with the lecture. Today lecture is alittle bit different because we were doing activity in group about how was the best way to learn Protozoa.Every group have to think a study style that easy to undestand and easy to remember about Protozoa. As for our group we decide to do mind map and the mind map was left with few blanks for us to fill in. We think that we should read the notes first and do some mind map or notes and continue with making our own questions and try to answer it. After finish the time given all of the group have to present their style of study of Protozoa. There a many different style by many group. There are mind map,flash card and acronym in addition with some song about Protozoa. Our mind map What I have learn: -Major group in Protozoa are Archaezoa,Rhizopoda,Ciliophora and Apicomplexa -Protozoa is unicellular organism -Protozoa found in soil ...
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7/10/14 Today we had our class as usual. We are a little bit excited when seeing Dr Wan coming carry rendang from home. WE then start our class to learn about Inclusions.There are many types of inclusions. Metachromatic granules large inclusion collectively known as methylene blue Crynebacterium diptheriae which cause diptheria. Polysaccharide granules -consist of glycogen and starch -differentiated by using iodine: -reddish brown indicates glycogen granules -blue indicates starch granules. Lipid inclusions -storage material-polymer poly-B_hydroxybutyric -reveal by sudan dyes Sulfur granules energy reserve derive energy by oxidising sulphur and sulphur containing compound Thiobacillus-sulphur bacteria Carboxysomes -used for carbon dioxide fixation during photosynthesis -nitrifying bacteria,cynobacteria and thiobacilli- used carbon dioxide as sole storage of carbon. Magnetosomes -act like magnets -allign themselves in ...
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3/10/14 Today we start our class without any announcement. We directly proceed with the lecture. We continue learning about external and internal structure of prokaryote. We learn about function of the cell wall. Not all cell wall of bacterial is identical.The cell wall can also divided into gram negative or gram positive. Pic from: http://www.microbiologybytes.com/introduction/graphics/Prokaryotes4.gif.pagespeed.ce.D6rhDgjSld.gif Gram positive cell wall contain 90% of peptidoglycan.Gram positive cell wall contain teiochoic acid which was absent in negative gram cell wall.This teichoic acid use as antigenic specificity to determine pathogenic or not. It also contribute to acidity of cell wall. Two classes of teichoic acid:lipoteic acid (spans the peptidoglycan layer and is linked to the plasma membrane) Wall teichoic acid (link to peptidoglycan layer) Gram positive cell wall do not contain outer membrane. In gram negative c...