 Today we have few announcement about Thank a Microbe before start our lecture. Lecture today are about algae and fungi. We have to search for note about Algae and fungi. I decide to do the note using mind map.
Protozoa and algae are in the kingdom of Protist.Algae in group of Protist because it hard to differentiate. It cannot be plant because do not has vascular system. It cannot also be animal because it autotroph, can make own food.  Algae is classified based on pigment and type of substance of storage.The pigments of Dinoflagellates  give it color of goldenbrown colour.Dinoflagellates store oil.It cause red tide.
image from:http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/BOT201/Algae/Bot%20201%20Dinoflagellates%20page.GIF

Red algae can release neurotoxin which can cause diarrhea and nerve break down.

Diatoms is brown in color.Diatoms have many contributions to human.Such as:
  • thickeners
  • as collagen
  • use in purification of water
  • fuel source
  • dye
  • dental impressions
  • fertilisers
What I have learn:
-Algae is  a protist.
-Dinoflagellates cause red tide.
-Algae and fungi eukaryotic.
-Algae classified from pigments.

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