After finish our test at 2.2,Biotech 2 we were given a short break before continue with the lecture. Today lecture is alittle bit different because we were doing activity in group about how was the best way to learn Protozoa.Every group have to think a study style that easy to undestand and easy to remember about Protozoa. As for our group we decide to do mind map and the mind map was left with few blanks for us to fill in. We think that we should read the notes first and do some mind map or notes and continue with making our own questions and try to answer it. After finish the time given all of the group have to present their style of study of Protozoa. There a many different style by many group. There are mind map,flash card and acronym in addition with some song about Protozoa.

Our mind map
What I have learn:
-Major group in Protozoa are Archaezoa,Rhizopoda,Ciliophora and Apicomplexa
-Protozoa is unicellular organism
-Protozoa found in soil and water.
-Protozoa may be housted in shell.
-Archaezoa is two or more flagellated.
-Archaeoza move in whiplike manner
-Rhizopoda move by pseupodos
-Rhizopoda obtin food by phagocytosis
-Ciliophora prossess Cillia
-Apicomplexa not motile in mature form
After finish our test at 2.2,Biotech 2 we were given a short break before continue with the lecture. Today lecture is alittle bit different because we were doing activity in group about how was the best way to learn Protozoa.Every group have to think a study style that easy to undestand and easy to remember about Protozoa. As for our group we decide to do mind map and the mind map was left with few blanks for us to fill in. We think that we should read the notes first and do some mind map or notes and continue with making our own questions and try to answer it. After finish the time given all of the group have to present their style of study of Protozoa. There a many different style by many group. There are mind map,flash card and acronym in addition with some song about Protozoa.

Our mind map
What I have learn:
-Major group in Protozoa are Archaezoa,Rhizopoda,Ciliophora and Apicomplexa
-Protozoa is unicellular organism
-Protozoa found in soil and water.
-Protozoa may be housted in shell.
-Archaezoa is two or more flagellated.
-Archaeoza move in whiplike manner
-Rhizopoda move by pseupodos
-Rhizopoda obtin food by phagocytosis
-Ciliophora prossess Cillia
-Apicomplexa not motile in mature form