 Today we have a long class from 8.30 am to 12.00 am. We learn about Algae and Fungi.
Algae is in the Protist group.Most of the algae are photoautototropic and require water.Algae reproduce through asexual and sexual reproduction. One of example of algae is seaweed. Seaweed provide habitat for marine communities.
Algal bloom happen when eutrophication, too much substrate high nutrition. This can be observed by discoloration of water. The toxin produce by algae can effect human if ingest through fish. Algae bloom also can happen in swimming pool if no chlorine is added. If algae bloom happen it means that the lake is polluted. Before this I never thought that if the lake turn to green it means it is polluted and have toxin. I thought it was good things to happen that show the organism in the lake is in good condition but now I know I wrong. Learning about Algae bloom make now realise why no people go fishing when the lake is very green.
Slime Molds
Slime Molds resemble fungi in appearance and live style.There are three division of slime molds
  • Myxomycota (Plasmodial slime molds)
  • Acrasiomycota (Cellular slime molds)
  • Peronosporomycetes (water molds)
Before learning fungi we have to do crossword from LMS or Edmodo.

Fungi is spore bearing organism. Fungi do not contain chlorophyll.  Fungi has rigid cell wall made up of chitin. Fungi can be kill by Protozoa call vampyrellids which make hole on fungi and suck the nutrient.
The disease cause by fungi is call mycosis. Sporothrix cause subcutaneous mycosis
Basidiomycota is one of the phylum of fungi. One of the example is toadstools, most toxin mushroom.
Amanita also very toxin mushroom although it is very beautiful mushroom. If have eaten the mushroom have to eat charcoal to reduce the toxin. If too bad, doctor have to pump our stomach.
Before class end we do crossword on Fungi and after that we eat chocolate cake bring by Dr Wan.

What I have learn:
-Algae can reproduce asexually and sexually
-Fungi do not has chlorophyll
-If food have been infected by fungi have to throw the food
-The disease of fungi is classified through first organ penetrated by fungi.

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