 Today we had our class as usual. We are a little bit excited when seeing Dr Wan coming carry rendang from home. WE then start our class to learn about Inclusions.There are many types of inclusions.
 Metachromatic granules
  • large inclusion
  • collectively known as methylene blue
  • Crynebacterium diptheriae which cause diptheria.
Polysaccharide granules
-consist of glycogen and starch
 -differentiated by using iodine:
 -reddish brown indicates glycogen granules
 -blue indicates starch granules.

Lipid inclusions
-storage material-polymer poly-B_hydroxybutyric
-reveal by sudan dyes

Sulfur granules
  • energy reserve
  • derive energy by oxidising sulphur and sulphur containing compound
  • Thiobacillus-sulphur bacteria
-used for carbon dioxide fixation during photosynthesis
-nitrifying bacteria,cynobacteria and thiobacilli- used carbon dioxide as sole storage of carbon.

-act like magnets
-allign themselves in magnetic field so can direct to place that has oxygen
-need alittle oxygen but can survive without it.
-protect cell against hydrogen peroxide accumulation which come from oxygen radical.

Gas vesiccles
-provide buoyancy for aquatic prokaryotes to receive sufficient amount of oxygen,light and nutrients.

  • resting structure formed for survival during adverse environmental conditions
  • germinations results in leaving dormant stage and once again becoming a typical,multiplying cell.
  • cannot be destroy easily
  • can remain dormant indefinetely but germinate quickly when appropiate trigger is applied.

I never know that there are many types of inclusions and each of them has different functions which invole in process for bacteria to metabolish, moving, store nutrient and ensure survival. I also can imagine that endospore can stay dormant in million years and when conditions favourable condition occur. That maybe some of the reasons why new bacteria suddenly  arise.
 Next our class stop for a while. We all eat Rendang by Dr Wan and cake from Mal which there were so delicious. We spent quite sometime to eat and during eating we have to told our choice of microorganism for Adopt A Microbe through padlet. I choose to do about Plasmodium falciparum which cause Malaria.
After that we have to answer quiz on Socrative.Before the class end Dr Wan give a briefing about test 1 this Friday.

What have I learn:
 Carboxysomes used for carbon dioxide fixation during photosynthesis.
-Crynebacterium diptheriae cause diptheria.
-Endospore can stay dormant for a millions years.

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