
        I think that I enjoy doing the activity. It teach me to work in group very well and communicate with each other very well. The poster and the model will not turn out very well if we do not work in group. This activity also help me to get more information about microbe. It change my view that many microbe only cause disease. There are many microbe is beneficial to human.. Besides,this activity give me a change to learn how making poster using computer and using aurasma. During presentation time, at first I feel nervous but after that I enjoy give explanation about our microbe. This activity help me gain confidence and make a good presentation. At the same time it also make me realise we must do very detail research about our microbe.At first I was quiet shock on the question being ask by the judges and sometimes we cannot answer their question. This help me to know what question to aspect if do any presentation.

Our poster
Model of how Shewanella transfer electron

trying to view our video using aurasma

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